Oh, please, Great and Powerful Anonymous, share with us the TRUE vision of this blog! Iā€™ve looked high and low, and here are the only clues I could find:

1. "The views expressed in these submissions are from anonymous, unverified sources and do not necessarily represent those of the Portland Mercury."

This one doesnā€™t tell us much, Iā€™m afraid.


Ah, thereā€™s a clue: RANTS or admissionsā€¦no guidance on the content of the rants.

3. OK, hereā€™s the big one: ā€œWELCOME TO I, ANONYMOUS! In your rant or confession, please remember to change the names of the guilty and the innocent. Also, homophobic, racist or overly misogynistic language is strictly prohibited. IMPORTANT: Before publication, your submission will be checked by the Mercury, which reserves the right to reject posts we find inappropriateā€”but if it passes muster, we'll get it up on the site ASAP! THANKS FOR READING AND SUBMITTING TO I, ANONYMOUS!ā€

Damn, not a blessed clue what the true vision of the blog is.

In conclusion, I guess weā€™ll have to tell you to stop pretending to know the real ā€œvisionā€ of this blog and trying to impose your opinion on everyone LIKE A FUCKING TRUMPSTER OR FUNDIE OR LEFTY OR LIBERTARIAN OR WHATEVER-THE-FUCK-YOU-THINK-YOU ARE!